Tag Search: business intelligence

BI is for small businesses too

Posted on Thursday March 10, 2016  |  statistics, self service bi, microsoft power bi, insights, information, data, business intelligence, bi

2016JMar10_BusinessIntelligence_ABusiness Intelligence (BI) has conventionally been the preserve of big business, given the need for specialist knowledge meant hiring pricey experts was often the only way to leverage its value. But the rise of self-service BI tools has leveled the playing field, allowing small- and medium-sized businesses to get in on the game too. And with small businesses now producing far greater volumes of data than in the past, there's never been a better time to put BI to use in your organization. Make your first steps towards smarter business planning by dispelling some popular beliefs about BI - here's what you need to know.


Business intelligence made easy

Posted on Friday January 22, 2016  |  story, qlik, graph, data, chart, business intelligence

2016Jan22_BusinessIntelligence_AWhen you think business intelligence, you likely think about charts and graphs that reveal valuable data about your customers, profits, and operations. While these may be simple enough for some to understand, what if you could simplify your data even more? A new innovation in the business intelligence world may have just made this a possibility. Here's what you need to know.


Making the most of Google Analytics

Posted on Thursday January 07, 2016  |  unique visitors, traffic sources, pageviews, google analytics, business intelligence, bounce rate

BusinessIntelligence_Dec28_AUnderstanding how your visitors are using your website is one of the most important things you can do to optimize your online presence and generate more leads and revenue. Google Analytics remains the top analytic tool, allowing you to keep track. Yet many companies tend to focus on the overall performance without taking the time to understand other key metrics that contribute to the end result. Here, we've compiled a list of Google Analytics' metrics that are worth knowing about.


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