Tag Search: creators update

How Windows 10 plans to defeat ransomware

Posted on Friday July 14, 2017  |  windows 10, security, ransomware, microsoft, device guard, creators update, controlled folder access, application guard

The recent WannaCry and Petya ransomware attacks have caused massive disruptions for Windows users. Although ransomware infection has slowed down in the past few weeks, many experts are saying that this is only just the beginning. Soon, newer and far more dangerous strains of malware will be developed. To help people defend against these threats, Microsoft has released new security features.


Best new features in Windows 10

Posted on Tuesday April 25, 2017  |  windows 10, operating system, microsoft, creators update

Creators Update contains the most significant upgrades to Microsoft's Windows 10. Some of the stand-out features include application enhancements, improved user experience, and a few productivity features that may seem too small to be noticed. These upgrades were recently rolled out, giving reason to personal and business users alike to get excited.


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