Tag Search: cyber attack

CopyCat on the prowl for Android

Posted on Friday July 21, 2017  |  malware, google play protect, cyber attack, copycat, android threats, android 5 0

New strains of malware are being developed every day. In fact, the number was nearly one million per day in 2015. With so many in existence, some have gone under the radar, as such is the case with CopyCat. So if you're using any type of Android device, know that CopyCat likes to use its claws.


New email security feature for Office 365

Posted on Thursday April 21, 2016  |  security, safety tips, office 365, microsoft, hackers, email, cyber attack

2016Apr21_Office365_AWhile you can take many security precautions to protect your organization, a cyber attack is always possible because of human error. Microsoft, however, is trying to change this. In the coming weeks, the technology giant plans to launch a new security feature for Outlook, but only if you're an Office 365 user. Here's how it can help your business.


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