Tag Search: ehr

Choosing the right EHR hardware for your practice

Posted on Friday November 17, 2023  |  ehr, ehr hardware, electronic health record

The right electronic health record (EHR) hardware can make your practice more efficient, productive, and secure. It can streamline your workflow, improve patient care, and ensure compliance with the latest regulatory requirements. However, with so many options out there, how do you pick the right hardware for your practice?


Are EHR systems better than paper-based systems?

Posted on Friday September 23, 2022  |  healthcare, medical records, ehr, electronic health records, patient care, paper records, ehr software, ehr system

Healthcare companies now realize that paper-based medical records have more drawbacks than advantages, and that it's time to switch to electronic health records (EHRs). However, while EHR systems improve the provision of patient care, they are not without their drawbacks. Find out whether adopting EHRs is worth it.


The benefits and drawbacks of EHRs

Posted on Monday July 12, 2021  |  healthcare, medical records, ehr, electronic health records, patient care, paper records, ehr software, ehr system

Numerous digital advancements enable healthcare organizations to address several key industry challenges, such as safeguarding medical records and providing better care management for patients. Electronic health records (EHRs), in particular, allow quick access to patient records, helping healthcare organizations diagnose patients more effectively, reduce medical errors, and provide safer care. However, with these valuable benefits come potential drawbacks, including increased maintenance costs and privacy concerns.


4 Important details about HIPAA compliance

Posted on Thursday August 06, 2020  |  technology, it, healthcare, ehr, hipaa, practice, regulations, compliant, ephi, medical office

Getting your practice up to code when it comes to Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations can seem challenging upon first glance, but knowing where your IT efforts must be focused is the first step. In this article, we'll zero in on four of the most critical items you must look into to become HIPAA-compliant.


EHRs vs paper records: Which is better?

Posted on Monday February 04, 2019  |  paper records, healthcare, electronic health records, ehr

Is digital the way to go for the healthcare industry? Experts see no other way forward, as demonstrated by the popularity of electronic health records (EHRs). However, critics of this new recording process have pointed out major flaws that aren't present in its traditional counterpart: paper-based recording. Read on to learn more.


What you need to know about EHR hardware

Posted on Monday August 06, 2018  |  healthcare it, electronic medical records, electronic health records, ehr hardware, ehr

Medical history, vaccine status, lab test results, and other medical records are libraries unto themselves. Checking such files without the aid of computers can be cumbersome. Thanks to EHR, hospital staff can access these information with ease.


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