Tag Search: gmail

Six Gmail tips your business needs

Posted on Tuesday July 25, 2017  |  tricks, tips, smb, productivity, inbox, gmail, enhancing, email

For most small-business owners, processing email takes up a good chunk of the day. If you use Gmail, you're already working with a powerful platform with numerous productivity-enhancing features. But what if you could streamline the process even further while ensuring each message is dealt with appropriately? These Gmail tips will do the trick.


Google adds anti-phishing features on Gmail

Posted on Monday June 19, 2017  |  security, safe browsing, phishing, machine learning, google, gmail, external reply warnings, click time warning, anti phishing

Cybercriminals have been relentless throughout 2017. In the past couple of months, hackers discovered new malware strains and software vulnerabilities that have overwhelmed thousands of businesses worldwide. But despite these new attacks, hackers still have an old, yet effective trick up their sleeves: phishing scams. To this day, sending fraudulent emails to steal sensitive information or spread a virus is still being used by the most advanced hackers. Luckily Google rolled out some new security features for Gmail users.


New phishing protection for Gmail on Android

Posted on Thursday May 18, 2017  |  security, safe browsing, phishing, mobile security, google docs, gmail, anti phishing, android

One of the most common ways hackers infiltrate networks is by using phishing scams -- fraudulent emails to trick unwitting users into giving away login credentials or downloading malware. Although this is the oldest trick in a hacker's arsenal, it's still an incredibly effective attack method. To blunt the potency of these scams, Google released an anti-phishing feature for Gmail apps on Android devices. Read on below to find out how it works.


Machine learning boosts productivity

Posted on Monday May 15, 2017  |  machine learning, google drive, google apps, google, gmail, g suite

Did you know that the applications you use learn something new about you every day? If you're using any of the G Suite applications, their machine learning algorithms -- a set of mechanisms that study usage patterns -- derive data based on your work patterns and frequently used files, and then make sensible suggestions accordingly. Don't worry about your system's security, as this is just part of Google's efforts to enhance the overall user experience.


The most advanced Gmail phishing scam yet

Posted on Wednesday May 10, 2017  |  phishing, oauth, google, gmail, fancy bear, cybersecurity

As the technology that recognizes and thwarts malware becomes more advanced, hackers are finding it much easier to trick overly trusting humans to do their dirty work for them. Known as social engineering, it's a dangerous trend that is becoming increasingly prevalent. Read on to educate yourself on how to avoid the most recent scam and those that came before it.


G Suite launches new features

Posted on Tuesday January 24, 2017  |  iterative calculation, gsuite, google cloud, gmail, g suite explore, basic mobile management

img-google-cloud-170px-op1Tech giant Google has always listened to customer feedback to make continuous improvements to its powerful suite of applications. And in the most recent case, Google Cloud's G Suite has introduced five new updates. What do they include and are they worth getting excited about?


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