Tag Search: microsoft 365

Microsoft Excel: An essential upgrade

Posted on Monday January 04, 2021  |  business intelligence, office, microsoft excel, power bi, microsoft 365

Businesses use Microsoft Excel for many purposes, including creating formulas, planning budgets, recording expenditures, and more. A spreadsheet can handle limitless amounts of information, making it an extremely useful tool for storing and analyzing data such as text and numbers. With its essential upgrade, Excel lets you do so much more.


What are Microsoft 365 Groups connectors?

Posted on Friday December 11, 2020  |  apps, microsoft outlook, productivity tools, connectors, microsoft 365, collaboratio, microsoft 365 groups

Microsoft 365 Groups is a cross-application service that lets users choose the people with whom they want to collaborate and share resources, such as a document library or a Microsoft Outlook inbox. And with its connectors feature, anyone can send information - even those from third-party apps - to the rest of the group right in their shared inbox. Read on to learn more about what connectors are and how they can help your team be more productive.


Microsoft Teams vs. Google Meet

Posted on Wednesday November 25, 2020  |  google, voip, microsoft, video conferencing, video calling, microsoft 365, microsoft teams, google meet, google workspace

The use of online communication and collaboration tools has hit record highs in the past few months on account of the coronavirus-induced shift in work arrangements. Among the most popular platforms right now are Microsoft Teams and Google Meet, which allow organizations to easily connect with colleagues and clients remotely. But while both share the common capability of video calling and messaging, distinct features may make one a better option for your specific needs compared to the other.


New admin capabilities for better Microsoft 365 delivery

Posted on Monday November 02, 2020  |  office 365, microsoft updates, microsoft 365, admin capabilities, apps admin center

In the past few months, the pandemic has driven businesses to utilize every tool available to them to keep operations going. This largely meant deploying cloud-based solutions that can support remote work setups and connect multilocational workers. During these critical times, the job of IT administrators has become more crucial and demanding. So to help make their work just a tad easier, Microsoft has added new features in the Apps admin center that will allow IT administrators to be more efficient and productive.


How does Microsoft 365 prevent phishing?

Posted on Thursday October 15, 2020  |  microsoft, phishing, advanced threat protection, microsoft 365, anti impersonation, anti spoofing, safe links

Phishing remains one of the top cyberthreats to businesses today. Because of this, Microsoft invests a lot of time into securing its email service.


The difference between Groups, Yammer, and Teams

Posted on Friday September 04, 2020  |  cloud, office 365, collaboration, yammer, groups, microsoft 365, microsoft teams, outlook groups

Yammer, Outlook Groups, and Microsoft Teams have plenty in common. They're all Microsoft 365 tools designed for sharing files and communicating with colleagues. So what differentiates them from one another, and when should you use which? Let's take a quick look.


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