Tag Search: operating system

5 things to do to your new laptop

Posted on Tuesday February 06, 2018  |  windows, vpn, pc, operating system, mac, laptop, hardware, bloatware

Getting a new laptop can be very exciting. It guarantees a more seamless user experience with faster speed, more memory, and better battery life. But it's all for naught if you don't take certain preventive steps before using your new machine. Discover five things you should do before you start exploring your new toy.


Major updates to Apple's macOS High Sierra

Posted on Friday September 29, 2017  |  operating system, macos, macbook, mac, imac, apple

macOS High Sierra, Apple's newest desktop operating system, aims to enhance current features, fix problems, and improve overall user experience. A long list of refinements await iMac and MacBook users, but here are the ones businesses will find most useful.


Best new features in Windows 10

Posted on Tuesday April 25, 2017  |  windows 10, operating system, microsoft, creators update

Creators Update contains the most significant upgrades to Microsoft's Windows 10. Some of the stand-out features include application enhancements, improved user experience, and a few productivity features that may seem too small to be noticed. These upgrades were recently rolled out, giving reason to personal and business users alike to get excited.


What is Android Things?

Posted on Friday December 30, 2016  |  operating system, internet of things, google, android things, android

2016december30_android_aGoogle is the driving force behind a wide variety of devices and operating systems today. It is well-established that Google is in charge of Android devices and operating systems. However, Google has announced its latest operating system, Android Things, and people are wondering what this will mean for operating systems from Google going forward. Get to know more about Android Things and what impact it may have on your business dealings and customer base.


New Windows 10 features you should know about

Posted on Friday November 11, 2016  |  windows 10, software upgrades, operating system, microsoft

2016november11_windows_aAs Microsoft outlines new updates to its latest platform, Windows 10, many people do not even realize that changes are afoot. In fact, a lot of the best new features Windows 10 has to offer have been sneakily revealed, and so many people don't even know that's been happening. If you are a current Windows 10 user, get to know more about some of the best new features this computing platform has to offer. Then, if you have further questions or want to know more about how to get these features working for you when they are fully available, you can contact us right away to get started.


Windows 10 migrations just got easier

Posted on Wednesday October 12, 2016  |  windows 10, operating system, migrations, microsoft, analysis tools

2016october12_windows_aLast month Microsoft announced that over 400 million devices have Windows 10 installed. But despite the general consensus that those adoption rates are a huge success, Microsoft wants more. Because one of the biggest obstacles to large-scale migrations is varied compatibility among workstation hardware and software, a new tool has been released to analyze and report on the feasibility of making the move to Windows 10. If you've got any machines waiting for a worrisome upgrade, this article may contain all the information you need to make it easy.


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