Tag Search: updates

Strengthening SMB cybersecurity with managed IT services

Posted on Wednesday July 05, 2023  |  updates, smb, security services, security awareness training, proactive monitoring, patch management, msp, managed it services, incident response, expertise, cybersecurity risks, assessment

As technology continues to advance, small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face increasing cybersecurity risks. Protecting sensitive data and maintaining a secure online environment is crucial for the success and longevity of SMBs, but without the right resources and expertise, this task can be daunting. Managed IT services providers (MSPs) offer a cost-effective and comprehensive solution to these challenges, helping SMBs bolster their cybersecurity defenses. Here's how.


What's in store for Windows users in 2021?

Posted on Monday December 07, 2020  |  microsoft, arm, chrome os, windows 10, updates, cloud pc, windows 10x

If you've been waiting for updates on Windows 10, here's some good news and more! Microsoft will very likely release big updates to the OS in 2021. Additionally, the tech giant is expected to introduce new services designed to maximize user experience across a wide range of devices.


Microsoft changes how it updates Windows 10

Posted on Friday January 24, 2020  |  microsoft, windows, windows 10, upgrade, updates, driver updates, upgrade blocks

Before, whenever Microsoft's hardware partners released updates on their drivers, those updates caused multiple problems for Windows 10 users. To resolve that, Microsoft revised the way it updates Windows 10.


Lock down iOS 12 devices with these features

Posted on Friday February 15, 2019  |  updates, two factor authentication, security and privacy, passwords, passcodes, mobile devices, iphone, ipad, ios 12, apple

iOS 12, Apple's latest mobile software offering, is finally available, and it promises to be better at keeping your data locked down. Here are some tweaks that you can make to boost iOS 12's security and privacy settings.


Is the IoT a boon or a bane in healthcare?

Posted on Monday December 03, 2018  |  updates, security, iot, intrusion prevention systems, internet of things, healthcare, encryption, electronic healthcare records, authentication

The rule of cybersecurity states that anything that connects to the internet can be hacked. With the increasing popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) in the healthcare industry, every business should be on alert.


When Microsoft stops supporting Windows

Posted on Wednesday November 14, 2018  |  windows 10, windows, updates, security, patches, microsoft, end of support, compatibility

Microsoft only supports each version of Windows for a certain period and the end of its support for a software product can be a significant challenge for businesses. Currently, Windows 7 is on "extended support" until January 14, 2020. What does it mean when Microsoft terminates support of your Windows version? Let's have a closer look.


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