Tag Search: virtualization

Hypervisor security vulnerabilities

Posted on Wednesday March 21, 2018  |  vm escape, vm, virtualization, virtual machine, update, server, security, hypervisor

Regardless of how complex the technology, hackers always find a way to exploit it. In the past, virtualization was thought to be an extremely secure solution businesses could rely on to improve IT management and save money. But it does have exploitable vulnerabilities. Hackers can attack the hypervisor to access your systems.


Virtual desktops vs. Containers

Posted on Friday March 02, 2018  |  virtualization, virtual desktops, versus, software defined computing, servers, hardware utilization, containers

Even if you're aware of virtualized containers, it's probably difficult to explain how they differ from virtual desktops. Thankfully, all you really need to understand is whether containers are the better option for your business -- and we can answer that in under ten minutes.


Windows 10 Home, Pro, or 10 S?

Posted on Tuesday February 27, 2018  |  windows 10, virtualization, software, security, pro, operating system, home, 10 s

When buying new hardware, you have to choose which operating system (OS) to install. And if you go with Windows, you'll have to make even more decisions, as there're Windows 10 Home, Pro, and 10 S. Although they contain many similar features, there are significant differences between them. Here's a quick rundown of each OS version.


Virtualization best practices for newbies

Posted on Thursday February 15, 2018  |  virtualization, virtual machine, implementation, best practices, assessment

The benefits of virtualization are so significant that deciding whether to jump on board is a no-brainer. It offers centralized IT management, faster hardware resources, improved business continuity, and reduced overhead costs. But in order to experience these benefits, there are a few best practices you need to consider.


Improving healthcare data storage

Posted on Monday February 05, 2018  |  virtualization, storage, healthcare, hardware, electronic health records, ehrs

As more medical practices adopt electronic health records (EHR), running out of digital storage is becoming an increasingly common issue. HIPAA-regulated practices don't always have the option of cloud solutions, but virtualization is a secure and cost-effective alternative.


Fighting ransomware with virtualization

Posted on Friday February 02, 2018  |  virtualization, virtual dr, ransomware, disaster recovery, cybersecurity, business continuity

Ransomware takes your data hostage and demands a payment for its recovery. While it may seem like there's no other choice but to pay the ransom, you should never give in to the hacker's demands. Before the next wave of ransomware comes around, it's important to protect your business with virtual disaster recovery solutions.


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