Tag Search: web and cloud

Why HTTPS matters for your cybersecurity

Posted on Wednesday August 24, 2022  |  website security, web and cloud security, web and cloud, safe browsing, https, cybersecurity tips, cybersecurity

It's no secret that the internet can be a dangerous place. Hackers, scammers, and identity thieves are always looking for new ways to steal your information or scam you out of your hard-earned money. That's why it's critical to take steps to protect yourself while you're online. One of these is to make sure that the sites you visit use HTTPS


The advantages of a hybrid cloud setup

Posted on Monday February 07, 2022  |  cloud computing, security, hybrid cloud, scalability, web and cloud

Each of the original types of cloud infrastructure — public and private — comes with their own sets of pros and cons. Fortunately for resource-strapped small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), they don’t need to conduct trial and error to see which one is best for them — they can simply reach a happy medium with the hybrid cloud.


Improve your customer reach with a well-designed website

Posted on Monday August 09, 2021  |  web trends, website design, web design, user experience, dark mode, web and cloud, web animation, micro animations, micro interactions, mobile friendly, ux, webpage design

Most modern businesses build and maintain their own website to reach more customers. It’s good to have an online presence, but know that your competitors are also doing their best to optimize their websites for better brand awareness and profitability. Don't fall behind -- follow these web design trends to increase web traffic and boost your bottom line.


Learn why you should only visit HTTPS sites

Posted on Wednesday July 21, 2021  |  https, cybersecurity, safe browsing, web and cloud, website security, cybersecurity tips, web and cloud security

Everyone uses the internet daily for a variety of reasons: to work, shop, or communicate with other people. Browsing the internet has become so commonplace that we often forget to check whether the websites we visit are safe. Let this serve as a reminder: a website can be deemed safe if the website’s URL has an “S” after the “HTTP.” Learn why that “S” matters.


Ways to block browser security threats

Posted on Monday June 28, 2021  |  adware, browser extensions, ad blockers, web and cloud, browser security, business data protection, malware cybersecurity

Nowadays, it’s near impossible to maintain 100% privacy when browsing the web. A variety of malicious actors lurk in the background, whether you’re searching on Google, checking your social media feeds, or accessing business programs online. The fact is that everyone who browses the internet is vulnerable to cyberthreats. Here are a few ways to browse safely.


Give your SMB more flexibility with a hybrid cloud

Posted on Friday October 30, 2020  |  cloud computing, security, hybrid cloud, scalability, web and cloud

When it comes to the cloud, small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are often presented with the choice of either a private or a public cloud. But there is a third option - a hybrid cloud. And this is the choice that provides SMBs with greater flexibility. How so? Read on to find out.


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