Tag Search: web and cloud

Web design trends you should follow today

Posted on Friday April 19, 2019  |  website flat design, website design, web trends, web animation, web and cloud, scrolling

Many small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) nowadays build and maintain their own website to reach more customers. But because a majority of your competitors also have a website, an underperforming site just won't do. Follow these web design trends to increase web traffic and boost your bottom line.


Hybrid clouds make SMBs more flexible

Posted on Tuesday September 04, 2018  |  web and cloud, security, scalability, hybrid cloud, cloud computing

Cloud computing has become an indispensable component in business IT because it's cost-effective, flexible, and secure. Thanks to hybrid cloud solutions, organizations have access to even more agile computing resources.


New Gmail features you need to use now

Posted on Friday May 11, 2018  |  web and cloud, productivity, new gmail, google, email

The first thing you'll notice in the new Gmail for web is its uncluttered look, but there's plenty more to be excited about. Greater security, easy-to-use sidebar apps and inline buttons, and more have been added to improve Gmail users' experience. Here's a quick rundown of all the features you need to start using now.


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