How robust dashboards can help your business

Posted on Monday December 28, 2020  |  dashboards, marketing, data visualization, business intelligence tools, presenting data, projects

A dashboard is a business intelligence tool that displays metrics and key performance indicators (KPI) for organizations. Dashboards provide you an overall view of how your business is performing. Here are some uses of dashboards in real-life business situations.


Improve your Windows 10 experience with these features

Posted on Friday December 25, 2020  |  business, productivity, microsoft, windows 10, tips and tricks, operating systems, focus assist, night light, taskbar

Windows is the most popular operating system in history, but despite its popularity, many users still do not know about all of its functionalities. Here are some Windows 10 features from the latest update that you might have missed.


Don't be a victim of juice jacking

Posted on Wednesday December 23, 2020  |  security, battery life, juice jacking, mobile technology

Smartphones have become an indispensable tool for most of us. We use them for a wide range of activities, from gaming to checking social media to accessing work apps. Because of heavy use, our smartphones may sometimes run out of battery. When that happens and you're out in public with no access to your charger, using public charging kiosks to bring your phone back to life can seem like a good idea - but it's not. It only makes your phone vulnerable to a cyber scheme called juice jacking.


How AI is revolutionizing healthcare

Posted on Tuesday December 22, 2020  |  healthcare, artificial intelligence, healthcare industry, ai, healthcare sector, medical professionals, virtual coach, virtual health assistants

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to radically change the face of the healthcare industry - in fact, it already has. Here are some of the ways that AI has benefited medical professionals and patients alike.


How to tell if an Android app is legit

Posted on Monday December 21, 2020  |  security, android, tablet, safety, app security

More and more people are relying on Android devices for remote work, which is why cybercriminals are taking advantage and creating counterfeit Android apps to try and misguide users. These apps typically collect users' sensitive data or infect devices with malware, which can lead to fraud and financial crimes. The problem is, even a tech-savvy user may struggle to identify these bad apps.


What you need to know about Mac ransomware

Posted on Friday December 18, 2020  |  apple, antivirus, phishing, backups, mac ransomware, patcher, keranger cybersecurity

New strains of ransomware usually impact many Windows users, while only a small percentage of Mac users get affected. However, there are ransomware strains that specifically target Apple's computers. Defending against these threats is crucial if your business mostly uses Macs. Here's what you need to know about Mac ransomware.


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